It's a...



We are so excited to announce that we will be welcoming a baby boy into the world in October! Here's a few updates on my pregnancy (you can also read my first pregnancy post here):

How far along are you?
I am 18 weeks and due October 27.

How are you feeling?
I feel great! Since I've gotten out of the first trimester I have much more energy and thankfully no more nausea. 

What gender did you think the baby would be?
I thought it would be a boy (I promise I'm not just saying that now!). I thought was a boy because I didn't have very bad morning sickness (which they say is a sign of a boy) and ask I got into my second trimester I started to feel a lot of little kicks (which I figured meant I have an active baby and possibly a boy). 

What have been some of your favorite pregnancy products so far?
So far the the belly band has been a life saver! I pretty much stopped being able to button my jeans at 10 weeks and so for the last 2 months I have used a belly band in order to fit into my regular jeans. I'm just getting to the point now where I can't fit in my regular jeans with a belly band. I'll let you know in my next update post what good maternity jeans I find (the struggle is real, it is so hard to find good maternity clothes!). A few things I loved in the first trimester when I had morning sickness were: Gin Gins, Preggie Pops, and No Morning Sickness Tea

What clothes are you wearing?
As mentioned above, I am still wearing normal jeans with a belly band. I have also been wearing a lot of maxi dresses and I purchased a few maternity dresses from target. So far I have found the best places to shop for maternity are Old Navy, Gap, Target, H&M, Asos, and Pink Blush.

What have you done to prepare for the baby?
So far we have painted the nursery (Sherwin Williams Repose Gray at 50% strength) and I have registered for a birth class for us to take at the hospital. I have also been reading this book (thanks to my sweet friend Lauren who gifted it to me!). We have also started going through some baby name apps and making a list of potential names.

What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to beginning to register for baby items (although I also overwhelmed by all the stroller, car seat, etc. options!). I am also VERY excited to begin decorating the nursery. I will share some update pictures as I begin doing setting things up!

Please let me know if you have other questions! I'm hoping to post a pregnancy update every few months.